Imam Ali (a.s):

The world is a transient place, not a place of stay

Nahj Al-Balaghah

Weekly Programs

07:00 PM   Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ Prayers
07:30 PM   Du'ā from Sahifa Sajjadiya

08:00 PM   Qur’ān Recitation with Correction

07:00 PM   Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ Prayers
07:20 PM   Du'ā Kumayl, Surah Yaseen, and Ziyarat Waritha

12:45 PM   Jumu’ah Prayers led by Sheikh Jafar Muhibullah
07:00 PM   Maghrib and 'Ishāʾ Prayers
07:30 PM   Nahjul Balagha by Sheikh Jafar Muhibullah
08:20 PM   Faith Foundations (main hall)
09:10 PM   Potluck Dinner

11:00 AM - 02:15 PM   Madrasa (Bands B & C, Ages: 6-9)
02:30 PM - 05:30 PM   Madrasa (Bands D, E, & F, Ages: 10+)
06:41 PM   Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ Prayers
07:15 PM   Winter Town Hall
08:30 PM   Dinner

06:30 AM   Fajr Prayer
07:00 AM   Qur’ān Recitation
07:30 AM   General Discussion with Snacks
03:00 PM   Ladies Sha'ban Celebration

Welcome to Islamic Ahlul Bayt Association

Islamic Ahlul Bayt Association (IABA) was formed by college students. The Islamic Ahlul Bayt Association was formally registered with the State of Texas as a non-profit organization on February 20, 1997. The students who formed IABA envisioned a house of wisdom, a home away from home, a space to come together and worship Allah. IABA is the only Ithna A’shari organization in Austin, Texas. Today, IABA is a culturally diverse center with a vibrant, young and growing Muslim community. Many of our attendees are children, youth and college students. We are responsible to our youth and work diligently to play an integral part in shaping their Islamic identity.


“Those who spend (in the cause of Allah) privately or publicly, by night and day, have their reward with their Lord. And (on the Day of Resurrection) they shall neither fear nor grieve”. Al-Baqarah 2:274

New Building
Monthly Expenses